Sports & Exercise Chiropractic
What is Sports & Exercise Chiropractic?
Sports & Exercise chiropractic is a recognised subset of chiropractic that focuses on the comprehensive and holistic healthcare of the physically active individual or athlete, to prevent injury, restore optimal function and contribute to the enhancement of sports performance. They achieve this using sports-specific knowledge, skills and attitudes to achieve best clinical practice, while ensuring a high standard of professional, safe and ethical practice.
Sports & Exercise chiropractic professionals demonstrate advanced competencies in the customised approach to active individuals of all ages and abilities, at individual and group levels by utilising evidence-based, multi-modal techniques to enhance the function of the neuro-musculoskeletal system.
Sports & Exercise chiropractors have clinical expertise in manual therapy, exercise prescription and rehabilitation, education, translating latest research into clinical practice, communication, lifestyle advice and leadership. They participate comfortably in a multi-disciplinary team environment, working closely with parents, coaches, other health providers and the community to provide the best high-quality care for each athlete.
A Sports & Exercise Chiropractor will possess additional qualifications specific to sport. Those chiropractors that have pursued additional study have assimilated a large body of clinical information specific to the special needs of those who participate in sport.
International Chiropractic Sports Science Diploma (ICSSD). The International Federation of Sports Chiropractic.
Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Chiropractic (PGradDipSportsChiro). Murdoch University.
Myofascial Dry Needling
Vestibular Rehabilitation. Carrick Institute of Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation.
Concussion: prevention, detection and management - Certificate of Achievement. University of Calgary and Université Laval.
International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic (ICSC). The International Federation of Sports Chiropractic.
Level One Strength and Conditioning Coach (ASCA Level 1). Australian Strength and Conditioning Association.
Concussion/mTBI Certification Program. Carrick Institute of Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation.
TPI Certified Level 1. Titleist Performance Institute.